St. John School
For Early Learners
Experience the Difference!

Fax: 503.585.2801
Located in downtown Salem, Oregon
Program Overview...
Preschool Only for 2 1/2 and 3 year olds on Monday & Tuesday
PreK for 4 year olds on Monday, Tuesday & Friday
1/2 day kindergarten (8:30-11:45)
Full day kindergarten (8:30-2:15)
Childcare 7:15-9:00/11:30-5:45
Full day summer program for ages 2 1/2 -10
Program Highlights...
Christ at the center of all that we do!
Exceptional, experienced, teachers with degrees in Education
Very low staff turnover (teachers have been here from 21 to 34 years!)
Reasonable rates
Well established (since 1961)
State licensed
Registered Oregon private school
Beautiful, well kept facility with carpeted gymnasium
Bright, inviting classrooms
Safe, fun playground with grassy area
Quality materials & equipment
Monthly field trips
Spanish and Sign Language in kindergarten
Student portfolios including photo pages
Balance of structure & play
Clear, consistent, effective discipline
Calm atmosphere & safe environment
Creative teacher-created curriculum
Individualized instruction in small class settings
Supported and valued by congregation
Weekly chapel time
Family feel
Conveniently located downtown